samedi 11 août 2012

adgz 5

bonjour à tous j'ai enfin pu terminer l'adgz autrichienne. 

 Hello everyone after a long time I finally finished the Austrian adgz.

Pour ce qui concerne les couleurs, voici le mail reçu de Mr Ilming du Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (musée d'histoire de l'armée de terre) à Vienne:

Regarding the colors, here is the email received from Mr Ilming Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (history of the Army) in Vienna:

"Dear Sir!

I received your request for information about the colour of the ADGZ in the Austrian pre-Anschluss army.
I regret, but I have to tell you that it is not possible to give an exact description of their colour.
We know, that the tanks of the Austrian army were painted in several different colours at this point of time, obviously NOT as a result of a certain system, but depending upon which company had delivered the various tanks, and also upon the fact that various tank divisions were trying out different variations of camouflage at this period.
 We know, that the “Kommando Schnelle Division” had started to paint their ADGZ from July 1937 on with a matt brown-green, which was defined to be similar to the colour of the last tranche of the CV-35.
Please note: the definition was not, to be “exactly like”, it was “similar to”. So we have to accept, that there was obviously no standardized colour “matt brown-green” in the Austrian Army at this time, and therefore it is impossible to define it now exactly.
 About the rest of the ADGZ: I have not found evidence for their exact colour. It might be, that they had a – more or less -  standardized colour, but it might also be, that they were,  like those of the “Kommando Schnelle Division”, part of several programs running at this period for finding new colours for camouflage.
 I hope that this response is nevertheless of some help for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me again, if you have any further questions."

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ing. Mag. Thomas Ilming
Leiter Referat WaTe (Waffen und Technik)
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum
A-1030 Wien, Arsenal, Objekt 1

Pour ce qui concerne les photos, voici ce que j'ai pu glaner sur le net (seulement 3 photos)

 Regarding the photos, here's what I found on the net (only 3 photos)

                                                                      source: internet

                                                                      source: internet

                                                                        source: internet

Cela indique seulement que le camouflage trois tons a existé. Pour le vert, je pense qu'il faut se baser sur le vert-brun décrit par Mr Ilming ça parait logique, j'ai donc utilisé du XF65 field grey tamiya avec une pointe de XF64 red brown tamiya. Pour le brun j'ai utilisé du XF64 tamiya avec une pointe de XF57 buff tamiya pour ne pas paraitre trop sombre. Enfin pour le beige, il semble assez clair sur les photos, j'ai donc utilisé du buff avec une pointe du vert déjà utilisé. Après une couche d'apprêt, les couleurs ont été pulvérisées les unes après les autres en partant de la plus claire vers la plus foncée et en utilisant de la pate de masquage silly putty. Puis suivent les classiques filtres, jus, micropeinture et enfin pigments fixés à l'essence C. Il n'y a aucun marquage sur les véhicules autrichiens de cette période. Le personnage vient de la gamme brach models bien connue pour sa qualité de moulage. Les personnels des troupes blindées autrichiennes de cette période portent en effet les uniformes italiens comme vu sur les photos.

This only indicates that the three-tone camouflage existed. For the green, I think we need to use green-brown described by Mr Ilming it seems logical, so I used the Tamiya XF65 field gray with a drop of red brown Tamiya XF64. For the brown I used Tamiya XF64 with a drop of XF57 buff tamiya not to seem too dark. Finally, for the sand, it seems fairly clear from the pictures, so I used the buff with a drop of green already used. After a coat of primer, the colors were sprayed one after the other starting from the lightest to the darkest and using the dough masking silly putty. Then follow the conventional filters, juicemicropaint,  and finally pigments fixed with C gasoline. There is no marking on Austrian vehicles at this period. officer is from the brach models range well known for its quality molding. armored crews wore italian uniforms at this period as shown on photos.

                                                                    source internet

                                                                    source internet